Basic descriptive statistics

The survey reached a sample of 368 participants, a far higher response rate than in the first round of survey. 239 replied on their own, 49 with the help of a friend/relative or their assistant, while 80 replied with the help of their association for persons with disabilities. The table below reports the number of observations by the main socio-economic characteristics.

Socio-economic characteristics

Variable Observations
Country Malta 136
Romania 107
Finland 47
Belgium 44
Cyprus 30
Slovenia 4
Gender Female 184
Male 183
Genderqueer/Non-binary 1
Age 50-64 128
35-49 96
65 or older 76
18-34 66
Prefer not to say 2
Education High school or less 203
University degree or equivalent 138
Prefer not to say 27
Employment status Employed 152
Retired/pensioner 143
Not working nor looking for a job (i.e. not in the labour force) 28
Not working and looking for a job (i.e. unemployed) 13
Prefer not to say 12
Student or in training 12
Self-employed 8
Employment type Clerk or skilled non-manual job (head of office, bank teller, payroll officer, graduated hospital nurse, school teacher,etc.) 62
Managerial, professional, higher technical, and higher administrative job 60
Skilled manual worker (carpenter, mechanic, locksmith, plumber, electrician, driver etc.) 14
Prefer not to say 10
Unskilled non-manual worker (shop assistants, bar tender, waiter, etc.) 4
Unskilled manual workers (janitor, housekeeper, farmhand, labourer, sweeper, delivery man, etc.) 2
Self-employment type Self-employed/small entrepreneur (less than 14 employees): carpenter, motor vehicle mechanic, retailer, farmer, fisher, livestock producer, etc. 6
Prefer not to say 1
Professional (notary, architect, general practitioner, etc.) 1

How the card was discovered, reasons for applying and satisfaction with the process

Variable %
How did you find out about the card From an Association representing persons with disabilities 63.9%
Advertisements on TV, radio, Internet etc. 12.8%
From a friend/relative 10.3%
Direct invitation from a national authority 8.4%
From other associations working in the social sector 6.2%
From other professionals working with persons with disabilities 5.4%
Direct invitation from a regional/local authority 3%
Prefer not to say 0.3%
Why did you apply Because it is an official EU document certifying my impairment 61.1%
Because of the Card benefits 44.3%
I have heard about good user experience regarding the Card 9.2%
I found the Card useful for my family members/friends 7.9%
I got the Card because my acquaintances also applied 5.7%
Found the application process user friendly Fairly user-friendly 44.3%
Very user-friendly 40.5%
Slightly user-friendly 12.2%
Not at all 3%

Satisfaction with the benefits provided by country and sector

Question: In your opinion, to what extent do current benefits/services provided by the EU Disability Card respond well to the needs of persons with disabilities in the different sectors?

Figure stratified by sector

Figures stratified by sector and country

Table stratified by sector and country

Country Sector Not at all Slightly Fairly Very much
BE Across all sectors 15.9% 43.2% 34.1% 6.8%
Cultural sector 4.5% 38.6% 31.8% 25%
Leisure sector 11.4% 36.4% 36.4% 15.9%
Public transport 38.6% 34.1% 11.4% 15.9%
Private transport 47.7% 27.3% 15.9% 9.1%
Sport sector 22.7% 54.5% 18.2% 4.5%
CY Across all sectors 6.7% 46.7% 36.7% 10%
Cultural sector 10% 30% 40% 20%
Leisure sector 13.3% 46.7% 23.3% 16.7%
Public transport 6.7% 46.7% 23.3% 23.3%
Private transport 33.3% 33.3% 16.7% 16.7%
Sport sector 10% 40% 23.3% 26.7%
FI Across all sectors 14.9% 34% 36.2% 14.9%
Cultural sector 8.5% 21.3% 42.6% 27.7%
Leisure sector 6.4% 23.4% 44.7% 25.5%
Public transport 21.3% 31.9% 12.8% 34%
Private transport 29.8% 38.3% 14.9% 17%
Sport sector 14.9% 40.4% 23.4% 21.3%
MT Across all sectors 5.9% 26.5% 47.8% 19.9%
Cultural sector 5.1% 24.3% 44.1% 26.5%
Leisure sector 13.2% 24.3% 47.8% 14.7%
Public transport 15.4% 17.6% 33.1% 33.8%
Private transport 25% 21.3% 27.2% 26.5%
Sport sector 16.2% 35.3% 38.2% 10.3%
RO Across all sectors 1.9% 58.9% 29.9% 9.3%
Cultural sector 4.7% 31.8% 43.9% 19.6%
Leisure sector 15% 36.4% 27.1% 21.5%
Public transport 33.6% 26.2% 23.4% 16.8%
Private transport 52.3% 17.8% 15.9% 14%
Sport sector 12.1% 37.4% 34.6% 15.9%

Use of the card in the past year by sector and country

Question: In the past 12 months, how many times have you used the EU Disability Card in each of the following sectors:

Figure stratified by sector

Figure stratified by sector and country

Table stratified by sector and country

Country Sector Never 1-2 times 3-5 times 6-10 times More than 10 times
BE Cultural sector 56.8% 29.5% 13.6% 0% 0%
Leisure sector 50% 40.9% 9.1% 0% 0%
Private transport 84.1% 9.1% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3%
Public transport 88.6% 9.1% 0% 2.3% 0%
Sport sector 90.9% 6.8% 2.3% 0% 0%
CY Cultural sector 53.3% 36.7% 6.7% 3.3% 0%
Leisure sector 66.7% 16.7% 6.7% 10% 0%
Private transport 76.7% 13.3% 0% 3.3% 6.7%
Public transport 76.7% 10% 6.7% 6.7% 0%
Sport sector 73.3% 20% 3.3% 0% 3.3%
FI Cultural sector 27.7% 31.9% 21.3% 10.6% 8.5%
Leisure sector 29.8% 23.4% 29.8% 2.1% 14.9%
Private transport 46.8% 10.6% 21.3% 6.4% 14.9%
Public transport 76.6% 17% 2.1% 4.3% 0%
Sport sector 55.3% 21.3% 14.9% 2.1% 6.4%
MT Cultural sector 59.6% 32.4% 5.9% 1.5% 0.7%
Leisure sector 61.8% 26.5% 7.4% 2.2% 2.2%
Private transport 60.3% 15.4% 9.6% 6.6% 8.1%
Public transport 61% 14% 5.9% 6.6% 12.5%
Sport sector 83.8% 11.8% 2.9% 0.7% 0.7%
RO Cultural sector 51.4% 29.9% 15% 0.9% 2.8%
Leisure sector 61.7% 25.2% 9.3% 2.8% 0.9%
Private transport 62.6% 18.7% 8.4% 7.5% 2.8%
Public transport 85% 3.7% 8.4% 0% 2.8%
Sport sector 62.6% 24.3% 10.3% 1.9% 0.9%

Opinion on increase in tourism, cultural and sport participation

Questions: To what extent did the Card contribute to increasing your own/other people in your country/people from other countries

Figure stratified by question

Figure stratified by question and country

Table by question and country

Country Sector Not at all Slightly Fairly Very much
BE Your cultural participation 40.9% 34.1% 13.6% 11.4%
Cultural participation of people in your country 20.5% 43.2% 27.3% 9.1%
Cultural participation of people from other MS 20.5% 50% 20.5% 9.1%
Your sport participation 72.7% 15.9% 4.5% 6.8%
Sport participation of people in your country 25% 52.3% 13.6% 9.1%
Sports participation of people from other MS 29.5% 54.5% 9.1% 6.8%
Your tourism abroad 47.7% 13.6% 29.5% 9.1%
Tourism abroad of people in your country 20.5% 40.9% 31.8% 6.8%
Tourism abroad of people from other MS 22.7% 50% 20.5% 6.8%
CY Your cultural participation 36.7% 33.3% 26.7% 3.3%
Cultural participation of people in your country 20% 50% 23.3% 6.7%
Cultural participation of people from other MS 16.7% 33.3% 26.7% 23.3%
Your sport participation 53.3% 20% 16.7% 10%
Sport participation of people in your country 23.3% 33.3% 33.3% 10%
Sports participation of people from other MS 16.7% 30% 40% 13.3%
Your tourism abroad 43.3% 36.7% 10% 10%
Tourism abroad of people in your country 26.7% 46.7% 20% 6.7%
Tourism abroad of people from other MS 13.3% 36.7% 36.7% 13.3%
FI Your cultural participation 25.5% 12.8% 34% 27.7%
Cultural participation of people in your country 8.5% 25.5% 38.3% 27.7%
Cultural participation of people from other MS 10.6% 51.1% 25.5% 12.8%
Your sport participation 44.7% 25.5% 14.9% 14.9%
Sport participation of people in your country 21.3% 23.4% 40.4% 14.9%
Sports participation of people from other MS 19.1% 55.3% 19.1% 6.4%
Your tourism abroad 59.6% 19.1% 12.8% 8.5%
Tourism abroad of people in your country 21.3% 51.1% 25.5% 2.1%
Tourism abroad of people from other MS 19.1% 61.7% 14.9% 4.3%
MT Your cultural participation 33.8% 24.3% 30.9% 11%
Cultural participation of people in your country 18.4% 25% 38.2% 18.4%
Cultural participation of people from other MS 16.9% 22.8% 37.5% 22.8%
Your sport participation 54.4% 23.5% 15.4% 6.6%
Sport participation of people in your country 25.7% 25.7% 33.1% 15.4%
Sports participation of people from other MS 19.9% 25% 35.3% 19.9%
Your tourism abroad 38.2% 19.1% 26.5% 16.2%
Tourism abroad of people in your country 21.3% 22.1% 30.9% 25.7%
Tourism abroad of people from other MS 18.4% 20.6% 36.8% 24.3%
RO Your cultural participation 26.2% 29% 35.5% 9.3%
Cultural participation of people in your country 13.1% 37.4% 39.3% 10.3%
Cultural participation of people from other MS 15% 31.8% 45.8% 7.5%
Your sport participation 33.6% 34.6% 24.3% 7.5%
Sport participation of people in your country 17.8% 39.3% 32.7% 10.3%
Sports participation of people from other MS 18.7% 36.4% 40.2% 4.7%
Your tourism abroad 33.6% 28% 28% 10.3%
Tourism abroad of people in your country 16.8% 37.4% 34.6% 11.2%
Tourism abroad of people from other MS 17.8% 36.4% 39.3% 6.5%

Likelihood of recommending the card to other persons with disabilities

Question: How likely are you to recommend the EU Disability Card to other users? (0 = not at all, 10 = extremely likely)

green line - country mean


By country

Needs not covered sufficiently

Question: In your opinion, which key needs are not covered by current benefits/services, if any?

For all countries (aggregated) Table

Needs not covered by the card %
The transport sector is not covered (mobility need) 64.65%
Audio-guides specific for blind/visually impaired are not available (inclusion need) 28.64%
The leaflets are not available in Braille (inclusion need) 27.75%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 25.42%
None 14.49%


Figure by country

Table by country

Country Need %
BE The transport sector is not covered (mobility need) 72.7%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 29.5%
Audio-guides specific for blind/visually impaired are not available (inclusion need) 27.3%
The leaflets are not available in Braille (inclusion need) 22.7%
None 13.6%
CY The transport sector is not covered (mobility need) 43.3%
None 36.7%
The leaflets are not available in Braille (inclusion need) 30%
Audio-guides specific for blind/visually impaired are not available (inclusion need) 26.7%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 23.3%
FI The transport sector is not covered (mobility need) 48.9%
None 34%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 29.8%
Audio-guides specific for blind/visually impaired are not available (inclusion need) 8.5%
The leaflets are not available in Braille (inclusion need) 6.4%
MT The transport sector is not covered (mobility need) 40.4%
None 22.8%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 21.3%
Audio-guides specific for blind/visually impaired are not available (inclusion need) 19.9%
The leaflets are not available in Braille (inclusion need) 11.8%
RO 71%
Audio-guides specific for blind/visually impaired are not available (inclusion need) 48.6%
The transport sector is not covered (mobility need) 44.9%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 4.7%
None 3.7%

Main problems with the use of the card

Question: In your country, what are the main problems related to the EU Disability Card?

For all countries (aggregated) Table

Problems %
The EU Disability Card was not advertised enough 63%
Low awareness among service providers when presenting the EU Disability Card 60.9%
Low number of organisations involved in cultural, sport, tourism, and transport services 56%
The discounts are too limited 48.2%
Low number of Member States where I can use the Card 44.5%
Benefits are not offered to personal assistants/friends/family members etc. 41.9%
The benefits/providers are available only in major cities 25.4%
The eligibility criteria for the EU Disability Card are too strict 10.5%
Other answers with less than 2 respondent per answer 7.7%

For all countries (aggregated) Figure

By country

Table by country

Country Problem %
BE The EU Disability Card was not advertised enough 68.2%
Low awareness among service providers when presenting the EU Disability Card 59.1%
Low number of organisations involved in cultural, sport, tourism, and transport services 59.1%
The discounts are too limited 47.7%
Benefits are not offered to personal assistants/friends/family members etc. 45.5%
Low number of Member States where I can use the Card 45.5%
The benefits/providers are available only in major cities 22.7%
The eligibility criteria for the EU Disability Card are too strict 11.4%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 9.1%
CY Low number of organisations involved in cultural, sport, tourism, and transport services 80%
Low awareness among service providers when presenting the EU Disability Card 76.7%
The EU Disability Card was not advertised enough 70%
Benefits are not offered to personal assistants/friends/family members etc. 53.3%
The discounts are too limited 53.3%
Low number of Member States where I can use the Card 50%
The benefits/providers are available only in major cities 36.7%
The eligibility criteria for the EU Disability Card are too strict 13.3%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 3.3%
FI Low awareness among service providers when presenting the EU Disability Card 83%
The EU Disability Card was not advertised enough 57.4%
Low number of organisations involved in cultural, sport, tourism, and transport services 55.3%
The benefits/providers are available only in major cities 40.4%
Low number of Member States where I can use the Card 29.8%
The discounts are too limited 29.8%
Benefits are not offered to personal assistants/friends/family members etc. 27.7%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 12.8%
The eligibility criteria for the EU Disability Card are too strict 10.6%
MT Low awareness among service providers when presenting the EU Disability Card 58.1%
The discounts are too limited 55.1%
The EU Disability Card was not advertised enough 47.1%
Low number of organisations involved in cultural, sport, tourism, and transport services 39.7%
Benefits are not offered to personal assistants/friends/family members etc. 39%
Low number of Member States where I can use the Card 34.6%
The benefits/providers are available only in major cities 10.3%
The eligibility criteria for the EU Disability Card are too strict 8.8%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 5.9%
RO Low awareness among service providers when presenting the EU Disability Card 61.7%
The discounts are too limited 52.3%
Low number of Member States where I can use the Card 49.5%
Low number of organisations involved in cultural, sport, tourism, and transport services 45.8%
The EU Disability Card was not advertised enough 45.8%
The benefits/providers are available only in major cities 41.1%
Benefits are not offered to personal assistants/friends/family members etc. 28%
The eligibility criteria for the EU Disability Card are too strict 6.5%

How to improve cross border mobility

Question: In your opinion, what areas of the EU Disability Card could be improved to increase cross-border mobility of persons with disabilities?

For all countries (aggregated) Table

Improve cross border mobility %
All Member States should participate 81.9%
More information about accessibility of the museums/concert halls/stadiums to better plan the trip 69.6%
Transport benefits should be increased 67.1%
An international, free helpline could answer my questions 52.7%
There should be discounted accommodation abroad 51.1%
There should be discounted international travel tickets 49.2%
Leaflets in the museums should be made available in my mothertongue 39.7%
Other answers with less than 2 respondent per answer 11.3%


By country Figure

Table by country

Country Area to be improved %
BE All Member States should participate 86.4%
More information about accessibility of the museums/concert halls/stadiums to better plan the trip 72.7%
Transport benefits should be increased 68.2%
An international, free helpline could answer my questions 56.8%
There should be discounted accommodation abroad 50%
Leaflets in the museums should be made available in my mothertongue 43.2%
There should be discounted international travel tickets 43.2%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 13.6%
CY All Member States should participate 83.3%
There should be discounted international travel tickets 83.3%
More information about accessibility of the museums/concert halls/stadiums to better plan the trip 80%
Transport benefits should be increased 76.7%
There should be discounted accommodation abroad 63.3%
An international, free helpline could answer my questions 53.3%
Leaflets in the museums should be made available in my mothertongue 36.7%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 6.7%
FI More information about accessibility of the museums/concert halls/stadiums to better plan the trip 66%
Transport benefits should be increased 55.3%
All Member States should participate 51.1%
There should be discounted international travel tickets 44.7%
An international, free helpline could answer my questions 25.5%
There should be discounted accommodation abroad 25.5%
Leaflets in the museums should be made available in my mothertongue 14.9%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 12.8%
MT All Member States should participate 72.8%
There should be discounted international travel tickets 64.7%
More information about accessibility of the museums/concert halls/stadiums to better plan the trip 60.3%
There should be discounted accommodation abroad 60.3%
Transport benefits should be increased 57.4%
An international, free helpline could answer my questions 55.1%
Leaflets in the museums should be made available in my mothertongue 19.1%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 3.7%
RO All Member States should participate 74.8%
Transport benefits should be increased 70.1%
There should be discounted international travel tickets 68.2%
There should be discounted accommodation abroad 58.9%
More information about accessibility of the museums/concert halls/stadiums to better plan the trip 57.9%
Leaflets in the museums should be made available in my mothertongue 43%
An international, free helpline could answer my questions 39.3%
Other responses with less than 2 responses 3.7%

Knowledge on the existance of complaint mechanisms

Question: In your country, are there any complaint mechanisms in place (e.g. customer protection service) if you have problems using the EU Disability Card?

Overall - figure

Overall - table

Improve cross border mobility %
I do not know 68%
Yes 21%
No 10.1%
Prefer not to say 0.8%

By country - figure

By country - table

Country %
BE I do not know 72.7%
Yes 15.9%
No 11.4%
CY I do not know 60%
Yes 26.7%
No 10%
Prefer not to say 3.3%
FI I do not know 66%
Yes 27.7%
Prefer not to say 4.3%
No 2.1%
MT I do not know 50.7%
Yes 35.3%
No 13.2%
Prefer not to say 0.7%
RO I do not know 55.1%
Yes 36.4%
No 4.7%
Prefer not to say 3.7%

Satisfaction with complain mechanisms (only aggregated)

Question: Based on your experience, to what extent have these complaint mechanisms helped you solve a problem you faced?

Satisfaction with the complaint mechanisms %
Fairly 43.1%
Slightly 22.4%
Very much 20.7%
Not at all 13.8%

Accessibility and Reasonable Accomodation

96.74% of respondents consider that in order to be more effective, the EU Disability Card should be accompanied by measures aimed at increasing accessibility of services. Respondents also report for each sector, whether they consider accessibility to be more an issue in the public or private sector.

By country figure

Sectors with highest need of increased accessibility of services

With respect to the need for the provision of reasonable accomodation, 88.86% of respondents consider that it should be made compulsory as part of the EU Disability Card. The sectors where it shouldooooO be beconsidered the most are illustrated in the figure bellow for each country.

Sectors with highest need for reasonable accomodation

Regression models

Except for the likelihood of recommending the card to other persons, all dependent variables were recoded as 0-1. All models include fixed effects for country and use as weights the number of EDC card holders in each countries. Given the small sample, results which are marginally insignificant (p value between 0.1 and 0.2) are marked with “+”.

Satisfaction with the benefits provided by socio-economic characteristics

Dependent variable is one if respondent believes the benefits (in each sector) responds fairly or very much to the needs of persons with disabilties.

Variables Across all sectors Cultural sector Leisure sector Sport sector Private transport Public transport
Gender (ref. Female)
Male 0.14** -0.1* 0.04 -0.05 -0.09* -0.08+
Age (ref. 18-34)
35-49 0.05 0 0 -0.17** -0.07 -0.06
50-64 0.05 0.14* 0.12+ -0.14* -0.03 0.03
65 or older -0.03 0.44*** 0.29** -0.16+ 0.37*** 0.33***
Education (ref. High school or less)
University degree or equivalent -0.05 0.11** 0.09* 0.05 -0.12** -0.08+
Employment status (ref. Employed)
Not working and looking for a job (i.e. unemployed) -0.11 -0.29* -0.09 0.03 -0.21+ -0.08
Not working nor looking for a job (i.e. not in the labour force) 0.05 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.01 0.07
Retired/pensioner 0.05 -0.09 0.07 0.24*** -0.07 0.04
Self-employed 0.08 0.16 0.1 0.03 -0.18 -0.14
Student or in training -0.17 0.19 -0.16 -0.14 -0.23* -0.17

Likelihood of recommending the card (0-10)

Variables Recommend EDC (0-10)
Gender (ref. Female)
Male 0.46*
Age (ref. 18-34)
35-49 -0.15
50-64 0.59+
65 or older 1.03*
Education (ref. High school or less)
University degree or equivalent -0.15
Employment status (ref. Employed)
Not working and looking for a job (i.e. unemployed) -0.48
Not working nor looking for a job (i.e. not in the labour force) 0.43
Retired/pensioner 0.2
Self-employed -1.14
Student or in training -2.57***

Ever used the EDC in the past 12 months by sectors

Variables Cultural sector Leisure sector Sport sector Public transport Private transport
Gender (ref. Female)
Male 0.09+ 0.09+ 0.06+ 0.03 0.03
Age (ref. 18-34)
35-49 -0.03 0.06 -0.11* 0.09+ -0.14**
50-64 -0.17** -0.11+ -0.17*** -0.09+ -0.15**
65 or older 0.08 0.04 -0.14* 0.24** -0.04
Education (ref. High school or less)
University degree or equivalent 0.05 -0.07 -0.11** -0.07+ -0.03
Employment status (ref. Employed)
Not working and looking for a job (i.e. unemployed) 0.17 0.26+ 0.47*** 0.05 0.2+
Not working nor looking for a job (i.e. not in the labour force) 0.02 -0.11 -0.04 -0.23*** 0.09+
Retired/pensioner -0.13* -0.06 0.03 -0.05 0.07
Self-employed 0.03 0.09 0.17 -0.13 0.22
Student or in training -0.43*** -0.41** -0.23** -0.23* -0.22*

Opinion on increase in cultural and sport participation, and tourims

Of the respondent

Variables Tourism abroad Cultural participation Sport participation
Gender (ref. Female)
Male 0.04 0.09+ -0.01
Age (ref. 18-34)
35-49 -0.01 0.15* -0.08
50-64 -0.06 -0.08 -0.22***
65 or older 0.06 0.09 0.02
Education (ref. High school or less)
University degree or equivalent -0.18*** -0.12** -0.2***
Employment status (ref. Employed)
Not working and looking for a job (i.e. unemployed) -0.23+ -0.24+ -0.1
Not working nor looking for a job (i.e. not in the labour force) -0.45*** -0.11 -0.17**
Retired/pensioner -0.2** -0.09 -0.11+
Self-employed -0.1 -0.27 -0.17
Student or in training -0.52*** -0.13 -0.09

Of other people in the respondent’s country

Variables Tourism abroad Cultural participation Sport participation
Gender (ref. Female)
Male -0.11** -0.11** -0.1**
Age (ref. 18-34)
35-49 -0.03 -0.14** -0.23***
50-64 0.01 -0.07 -0.1+
65 or older 0.11 0.03 0.01
Education (ref. High school or less)
University degree or equivalent -0.09* -0.15*** -0.09*
Employment status (ref. Employed)
Not working and looking for a job (i.e. unemployed) -0.46*** -0.38*** -0.31**
Not working nor looking for a job (i.e. not in the labour force) -0.22*** -0.22*** -0.08
Retired/pensioner -0.05 -0.01 -0.08
Self-employed -0.06 -0.01 -0.17
Student or in training 0.14 0.05 0.08

Of people from other countries

Variables Tourism abroad Cultural participation Sport participation
Gender (ref. Female)
Male -0.09* -0.07+ -0.07+
Age (ref. 18-34)
35-49 -0.05 -0.09+ -0.29***
50-64 0.01 0.01 -0.06
65 or older 0.14+ 0.14+ 0.04
Education (ref. High school or less)
University degree or equivalent -0.07+ -0.11** -0.13**
Employment status (ref. Employed)
Not working and looking for a job (i.e. unemployed) -0.37*** -0.45*** -0.39***
Not working nor looking for a job (i.e. not in the labour force) -0.22*** -0.1+ -0.12*
Retired/pensioner -0.09+ -0.09+ -0.12*
Self-employed -0.4* -0.17 -0.1
Student or in training -0.2+ -0.23* -0.26**